Here I go....

May 04, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Alright, here I go... my first attempt at blogging. I thought I would use this first post to pass along my thoughts on my photography. Here it is May 2014 and I am starting my new website.  As you can see I like nature. These photos I present are my way of sharing my views of this world to you. Currently I consider myself a "budget" photographer and simply a hobbyist. I don't own a lot of expensive equipment and I try to utilize what I have to capture the world around me.  Don't get me wrong I am hoping to one day get my hands on some nicer stuff because I think it would eventually help me grow but I have what I have so I try to  make it work.

My nature photos are '"natural" in the sense the wildlife is just that ...wild. If I happen to get a photo otherwise I will be sure to state that in the caption. I do perform post editing but try to keep it at a minimum. Back in the day of film we would edit saturation, brightness and contrast, exposure, etc. in the dark room to get the best possible photo. Today's digital world is no different as far as I am concerned it only allows for more opportunities for one to expand their artistic capabilities. Cropping is another thing, it allows me to recompose a shot to match what I intended to do but was unable to because my available equipment.

My logo has the words "Enjoy the Great Outdoors" because the outdoors is  truly great. Please take a moment to stop and look at what is around you. You might be surprised at what you see. Don't just look at the forest...or the trees....look what's in the trees.....on the branch.....on the leaf....just enjoy!!!



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